Volunteering & Citizen Science
Volunteering can be a great way of gaining experience, and getting involved in important projects.
So much of the important conservation and monitoring work done across Australia depends on volunteer input, so it is a great thing to contribute to.
Below is a small example of the kind of projects you could join.
Black-throated Finch Annual Waterhole Count
Check out your local bird observers club
Brisbane's Big Butterfly Count
LUCI - Lockyer Uplands Catchment Inc.
AWC - Australian Wildlife Conservancy
Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland
Check out the UQ website for opportunities to help out with research and join the iROOS facebook group for great volunteering opportunities.
Further Reading
Check out the links below to scientific societies and non-government organisations for further reading. Non-government organisations have a vital role to play in the overall conservation landscape, providing an independent voice where our governments are unable to do so. We collaborate with these great organisations - and their websites are good sources of good conservation information.