A few weeks ago, Dr Christina Buelow from Griffith University ran a wonderful workshop for spatial data wrangling in R for our Wildlife Conservation lab. Christina put together extremely detailed notes for the workshop, starting with the very basics of spatial data science through to spatial data wrangling and production of publication quality maps, all in R! Christina put together a workshop that no matter your skill level (e.g., from completely new to spatial data analysis or having used GIS software but never R for spatial data analysis) that you would be able to understand the code and the functions we were using.
As Christina says in the notes, using R for spatial data science can be a steep learning curve but she has provided some great resources to work through the problems and learn more. We highly recommend if you are wanting to learn how to work with R for spatial analysis or improve your skills to check out the link GitHub data repository that stores the data and notes below!
Link to GitHub: https://github.com/cabuelow/R-spatial-2022
