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Peer reviewed journal articles

Read, J. L., Bradley, K., Gordon, I. J., Manning, A. D., Neaves, L. E., Reside, A. E., Smith, K. J., Southgate, R., Wayne, A. F., Weeks, A. R., Wilson, B. A., & Moseby, K. E. (2023). Havens are a pathway, not an endpoint, for species recovery: A response to Woinarski et al. (2023). Biological Conservation, 285, 110212.


Walsh, J. C., Gibson, M. R., Simmonds, J. S., Mayfield, H. J., Bracey, C., Melton, C. B., Reside, A. E., & Maron, M. (2023). Effectiveness of conservation interventions for Australian woodland birds: A systematic review. Biological Conservation, 282, 110030.


Yong, C., Ward, M., Watson, J. E. M., Reside, A. E., van Leeuwen, S., Legge, S., Geary, W. L., Lintermans, M., Kennard, M. J., Stuart, S., & Carwardine, J. (2023). The costs of managing key threats to Australia's biodiversity. Journal of Applied Ecology, online early.


Karimi, A., Yazdandad, H., & Reside, A. E. (2023). Spatial conservation prioritization for locating protected area gaps in Iran. Biological Conservation, 279, 109902.


Kearney, S. G., Watson, J. E. M., Reside, A. E., et al (2023). Threat-abatement framework confirms habitat retention and invasive species management are critical to conserve Australia's threatened species. Biological Conservation, 277, 109833.


Simmonds, J. S., Suarez-Castro, A. F., Reside, A. E., et al (2022). Retaining natural vegetation to safeguard biodiversity and humanity. Conservation Biology


Restoring habitat for fire-impacted species’ across degraded Australian landscapes


Ward, M., Tulloch, A., Stewart, R., Possingham, H. P., Legge, S., Gallagher, R. V., Graham, E.M., Southwell, D., Keith, D., Dixon, K., Yong, C., Carwardine, J., Cronin, T., Reside, A. E. & Watson, J. E. (2022). Restoring habitat for fire-impacted species’ across degraded Australian landscapes. Environmental Research Letters, 17(8), 084036.



The minimum land area requiring conservation attention to safeguard biodiversity


Allan, J. R., Possingham, H. P., Atkinson, S. C., Waldron, A., Di Marco, M., Butchart Stuart, H. M., Adams, V. M., Kissling, W. D., Worsdell, T., Sandbrook, C., Gibbon, G., Kumar, K., Mehta, P., Maron, M., Williams, B. A., Jones, K. R., Wintle, B. A., Reside, A. E., & Watson, J. E. M. (2022). The minimum land area requiring conservation attention to safeguard biodiversity. Science, 376(6597), 1094-1101.



How to prioritize species recovery after a megafire


Ward, M., Carwardine, J., Watson, J. E. M., Pintor, A., Stuart, S., Possingham, H. P., Rhodes, J.R., Carey, A.R., Auerbach, N., Reside, A. E.,Yong, C.J. & Tulloch, A. (2022). How to prioritize species recovery after a megafire. Conservation Biology.



Quantifying the ‘avoided’ biodiversity impacts associated with economic development


Bull, J.W., Sonter, L.J., Gordon, A., Maron, M., Narain, D., Reside, A.E., Sanchez, L., Shumway, N., Von Hase, A., Quetier, F. (2022) Quantifying the ‘avoided’ biodiversity impacts associated with economic development. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment



Creating past habitat maps to quantify local extirpation of Australian threatened birds


Ward, M., J. E. M. Watson, H. P. Possingham, S. T. Garnett, M. Maron, J. R. Rhodes, C. MacColl, R. Seaton, N. Jackett, A. E. Reside, P. Webster, and J. S. Simmonds. 2022. Creating past habitat maps to quantify local extirpation of Australian threatened birds. Environmental Research Letters.



Saving species beyond the protected area fence: Threats must be managed across multiple land tenure types to secure Australia's endangered species


Kearney, S. G., J. Carwardine, A. E. Reside, V. M. Adams, R. Nelson, A. Coggan, R. Spindler, and J. E. M. Watson. 2022. Saving species beyond the protected area fence: Threats must be managed across multiple land tenure types to secure Australia's endangered species. Conservation Science and Practice: e617.



Accelerated shifts in terrestrial life zones under rapid climate change


Elsen, P. R., E. C. Saxon, B. A. Simmons, M. Ward, B. A. Williams, H. S. Grantham, S. Kark, N. Levin, K.-V. Perez-Hammerle, A. E. Reside, and J. E. M. Watson. 2022. Accelerated shifts in terrestrial life zones under rapid climate change. Global Change Biology. 28(3), 918-935.



Evaluating the evidence of culling a native species for conservation benefits


Melton, C. B., A. E. Reside, J. S. Simmonds, P. G. McDonald, R. E. Major, R. Crates, C. P. Catterall, M. F. Clarke, M. J. Grey, G. Davitt, D. Ingwersen, D. Robinson, and M. Maron. 2021. Evaluating the evidence of culling a native species for conservation benefits. Conservation Science and Practice 3:e549.



Impact of 2019–2020 mega-fires on Australian fauna habitat


Ward, M., Tulloch, A. I. T., Radford, J., Williams, B., Reside, A. E., Macdonald, S., Mayfield, H. J., Maron, M., Possingham, H. P., Vine, S., O'Connor, J., Massingham, E., Greenville, A. G., Woinarski, J., Garnett, S. T., Lintermans, M., Scheele, B. C., Carwardine, J., Nimmo, D., Lindenmayer, D. B., Kooyman, R. M., Simmonds, J., Sonter, L. J., & Watson, J. E. M. (2020). Impact of 2019–2020 mega-fires on Australian fauna habitat. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 4, 1321-1326 (Alt 295; Top 5%)



Transferable, predictive models of benthic communities informs marine spatial planning in a remote and data-poor region


Bridge, T., Huang, Z., Przeslawski, R., Tran, M., Kool, J., Siwabessy, J., Picard, K., Reside, A. E., Logan, M., Nichol, S., & Caley, M. J. (2020). Transferable, predictive models of benthic communities informs marine spatial planning in a remote and data-poor region. Conservation Science and Practice, 2, e251



Collaboration across boundaries in the Amazon


Prist, P.R., Levin, N., Metzger, J.P., de Mello, K., Duarte de Paula Costa, M., Castagnino, R., Cortes-Ramirez, J., Lin, D.-L., Butt, N., Lloyd, T.J., Lopez-Cubillos, S., Mayfield, H.J., Negret, P.J., Oliveira-Bevan, I., Reside, A.E., Rhodes, J.R., Simmons, B.A., Suarez-Castro, A.F., Kark, S. (2019) Collaboration across boundaries in the Amazon. Science, 366, 699 (Alt 72; Top 5%)



Vulnerable species and ecosystems are falling through the cracks of environmental impact assessments


Simmonds, J. S., Reside, A. E., Stone, Z., Walsh, J. C., Ward, M. S., & Maron, M. (2019). Vulnerable species and ecosystems are falling through the cracks of environmental impact assessments. Conservation Letters, e12694 (Alt 102; Top 5%)



Lots of loss with little scrutiny: The attrition of habitat critical for threatened species in Australia


Ward, M. S., Simmonds, J. S., Reside, A. E., Watson, J. E. M., Rhodes, J. R., Possingham, H. P., Trezise, J., Fletcher, R., File, L., & Taylor, M. (2019). Lots of loss with little scrutiny: The attrition of habitat critical for threatened species in Australia. Conservation Science and Practice, e117 (Alt 326; Top 5%)



Persistence through tough times: fixed and shifting refuges in threatened species conservation


Reside, A. E., Briscoe, N. J., Dickman, C. R., Greenville, A. C., Hradsky, B. A., Kark, S., Kearney, M. R., Kutt, A. S., Nimmo, D. G., Pavey, C. R., Read, J. L., Ritchie, E. G., Roshier, D., Skroblin, A., Stone, Z., West, M., & Fisher, D. O. (2019). Persistence through tough times: fixed and shifting refuges in threatened species conservation. Biodiversity and Conservation, 28, 1303-1330 (Alt 28; Top 5%)



Retention and restoration priorities for climate adaptation in a multi-use landscape.


Maxwell, S., Reside, A. E., Trezise, J., McAlpine, C. A., & Watson, J. E. M. (2019). Retention and restoration priorities for climate adaptation in a multi-use landscape. Global Ecology and Conservation, e00649 (Alt 47; Top 5%)



How to send a finch extinct.


Reside, A. E., Vanderduys, E. P., Cosgrove, A. J., Trezise, J. A., Pointon, R., Watson, J. E. M., & Maron, M. (2019). How to send a finch extinct. Environmental Science and Policy, 94, 163-173 (Alt 184; Top 5%)



Climate change and biodiversity in Australia: a systematic modelling approach to nationwide species distributions. 


Graham, E., Reside, A. E., Atkinson, I., Baird, D., Hodgson, L., James, C., & VanDerWal, J. (2019). Climate change and biodiversity in Australia: a systematic modelling approach to nationwide species distributions. Australasian Journal of Environmental Management, 26(2), 112-123



Beyond the model: expert knowledge improves predictions of species’ fates under climate change.


Reside, A. E., Critchell, K., Crayn, D., Goosem, M., Goosem, S., Hoskin Conrad, J., Sydes, T., Vanderduys, E. P., & Pressey, R. L. (2018). Beyond the model: expert knowledge improves predictions of species’ fates under climate change. Ecological Applications, 29, e01824 (Alt 12; Top 25%)



Metrics of progress in the understanding and management of threats to Australian birds.


Garnett, S. T., Butchart, S. H. M., Baker, G. B., Bayraktarov, E., Buchanan, K. L., Burbidge, A. A., Chauvenet, A. L. M., Christidis, L., Ehmke, G., Grace, M., Hoccom, D. G., Legge, S. M., Leiper, I., Lindenmayer, D. B., Loyn, R. H., Maron, M., McDonald, P., Menkhorst, P., Possingham, H. P., Radford, J. I. M., Reside, A. E., Watson, D. M., Watson, J. E. M., Wintle, B. A., Woinarski, J. C. Z., & Geyle, H. M. (2018). Metrics of progress in the understanding and management of threats to Australian birds. Conservation Biology, 33, 456-468 (Alt 30; Top 5%)



Stable isotopes reveal opportunistic foraging in a spatiotemporally heterogeneous environment: Bird assemblages in mangrove forests.


Buelow, C. A., Reside, A. E., Baker, R., & Sheaves, M. (2018). Stable isotopes reveal opportunistic foraging in a spatiotemporally heterogeneous environment: Bird assemblages in mangrove forests. PLoS ONE, 13(11), e0206145



Conserving the endangered Black-throated Finch southern subspecies: what do we need to know?


Mula-Laguna, J., Reside, A. E., Buosi, P., Kutt, A. S., Schwarzkopf, L., Vanderduys, E. P., & Grice, A. C. (2019). Conserving the endangered Black-throated Finch southern subspecies: what do we need to know? Emu, 119,331-345 (Alt 48; Top 5%)



Adaptation pathways for conservation law and policy.


McDonald, J., McCormack, P., Dunlop, M., Farrier, D., Feehely, J., Gilfedder, L., Hobday, A. J., & Reside, A. E. (2018). Adaptation pathways for conservation law and policy. WIREs Climate Change, 0, e555 (Alt 22; Top 25%)



The threats to Australia’s imperilled species and implications for a national conservation response.


Kearney, S., Carwardine, J., Reside, A. E., Fisher, D. O., Maron, M., Doherty, T., Legge, S., Silcock, J. L., Woinarski, J. C. Z., Garnett, S. T., Wintle, B. A., & Watson, J. E. M. (2018). The threats to Australia’s imperilled species and implications for a national conservation response. Pacific Conservation Biology, 25, 231-244 (Alt 97; Top 5%)



Adapting systematic conservation planning for climate change.


Reside, A. E., Butt, N. & Adams, V. M. (2018). Adapting systematic conservation planning for climate change. Biodiversity and Conservation, 27, 1-29 (Alt 12; Top 25%)



Quantifying extinction risk and forecasting the number of impending Australian bird and mammal extinctions.


Geyle, H. M., Woinarski, J. C. Z., Baker, G. B., Dickman, C. R., Dutson, G., Fisher, D. O., Ford, H., Holdsworth, M., Jones, M. E., Kutt, A., Legge, S., Leiper, I., Loyn, R., Murphy, B. P., Menkhorst, P., Reside, A. E., Ritchie, E. G., Roberts, F. E., Tingley, R., & Garnett, S. T. (2018). Quantifying extinction risk and forecasting the number of impending Australian bird and mammal extinctions. Pacific Conservation Biology, 24, 157-167 (Alt 157; Top 5%)



Nutrient subsidy indicators predict the presence of an avian mobile-link species.


Buelow, C. A., Baker, R., Reside, A. E., & Sheaves, M. (2018). Nutrient subsidy indicators predict the presence of an avian mobile-link species. Ecological Indicators, 89, 507-515



Using temporally explicit habitat suitability models to assess threats to mobile species and evaluate the effectiveness of marine protected areas.


Welch, H., Pressey, R. L., & Reside, A. E. (2018). Using temporally explicit habitat suitability models to assess threats to mobile species and evaluate the effectiveness of marine protected areas. Journal for Nature Conservation, 41, 106-115



Ecological consequences of land clearing and policy reform in Queensland


Reside, A. E., Beher, J., Cosgrove, A. J., Evans, M. C., Seabrook, L., Silcock, J. L., Wenger, A. S., & Maron, M. (2017). Ecological consequences of land clearing and policy reform in Queensland. Pacific Conservation Biology, 23, 219-230 (Alt 162; Top 5%)



Examining current or future trade-offs for biodiversity conservation in north-eastern Australia


Reside, A. E., VanDerWal, J., Moilanen, A., & Graham, E. (2017). Examining current or future trade-offs for biodiversity conservation in north-eastern Australia. PLoS ONE 12, e0172230



Acoustic call library and detection distances for bats of Swaziland


Monadjem, A., Mtsetfwa, F., Shapiro, J.T., Reside, A.E., McCleery, R.A., (2017). Acoustic call library and detection distances for bats of Swaziland. Acta Chiropterologica 19, 175–187



Trade-offs in carbon storage and biodiversity conservation under climate change reveal risk to endemic species


Reside, A. E., VanDerWal, J., & Moran, C. (2017). Trade-offs in carbon storage and biodiversity conservation under climate change reveal risk to endemic species. Biological Conservation, 207, 9-16 (Alt 4)



Sink or swim? Potential for high faunal turnover in Australian rivers under climate change


James, C. S., Reside, A. E., J. VanDerWal, R. G. Pearson, D. Burrows, S. Capon, T. D. Harwood, L. Hodgson, and N. Waltham. (2017). Sink or swim? Potential for high faunal turnover in Australian rivers under climate change. Journal of Biogeography, 44, 489-501



Great Barrier Reef: Clearing the way for reef destruction


Reside, A. E., Bridge, T. C. L., & Rummer, J. L. (2016). Great Barrier Reef: Clearing the way for reef destruction. Nature, 537(7620), 307-307



Movement patterns, home range size and habitat selection of an endangered resource tracking species, the Black-throated Finch (Poephila cincta cincta)


Rechetelo, J., Grice, A., Reside, A. E., Hardesty, B. D., & Moloney, J. (2016). Movement patterns, home range size and habitat selection of an endangered resource tracking species, the Black-throated Finch (Poephila cincta cincta). PLoS ONE, 11(11), e0167254



Spatial dynamics of coastal forest bird assemblages: the influence of landscape context, forest type, and structural connectivity


Buelow, C. A., Baker, R., Reside, A. E., and Sheaves, M. (2016). Spatial dynamics of coastal forest bird assemblages: the influence of landscape context, forest type, and structural connectivity. Landscape Ecology, 32, 547-561



Addressing potential cumulative impacts of development on threatened species: the case of the endangered black-throated finch


Vanderduys, E. P., Reside, A. E., Grice, A. C., & Rechetelo, J. (2016). Addressing potential cumulative impacts of development on threatened species: the case of the endangered black-throated finch. PLoS ONE 11(3), e0148485 (Alt 64; Top 5%)



Dynamic habitat suitability modelling reveals rapid poleward distribution shift in a mobile apex predator


Hill, N. J., Tobin, A. J., Reside, A. E., Pepperell, J. G., & Bridge, T. C. (2016). Dynamic habitat suitability modelling reveals rapid poleward distribution shift in a mobile apex predator. Global Change Biology, 22(3), 1086-1096.



The capacity of refugia for conservation planning under climate change


Keppel, G., Mokany, K., Wardell-Johnson, G. W., Phillips, B. L., Welbergen, J. A., & Reside, A. E. (2015). The capacity of refugia for conservation planning under climate change. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 13, 106-112 (Alt 33; Top 5%)



Assessing vulnerability to climate change: a comprehensive examination of Australian tropical savanna birds


Reside, A. E., VanDerWal, J., & Kutt, A. S. (2016). Assessing vulnerability to climate change: a comprehensive examination of Australian tropical savanna birds. Austral Ecology, 41(1), 106-116 (Alt 65; Top 5%)



Projecting global biodiversity indicators under future development scenarios


Visconti, P., Bakkenes, M., Baisero, D., Brooks, T., Butchart, S. H. M., Joppa, L., Alkemade, R., Marco, M. D., Santini, L., Hoffmann, M., Maiorano, L., Pressey, R. L., Arponen, A., Boitani, L., Reside, A. E., Vuuren, D. v., & Rondinini, C. (2015). Projecting global biodiversity indicators under future development scenarios. Conservation Letters, 9(1), 5-13 (Alt 67; Top 5%)



Characteristics of climate change refugia for Australian biodiversity


Reside, A. E., Welbergen, J. A., Phillips, B. L., Wardell-Johnson, G. W., Keppel, G., Ferrier, S., Williams, S. E., & VanDerWal, J. (2014). Characteristics of climate change refugia for Australian biodiversity. Austral Ecology, 39(8), 887-897 (Alt 20; Top 25%)



Projected distributions and diversity of flightless ground beetles within the Australian Wet Tropics and their environmental correlates


Staunton, K. M., Robson, S. K. A., Burwell, C. J., Reside, A. E., & Williams, S. E. (2014). Projected distributions and diversity of flightless ground beetles within the Australian Wet Tropics and their environmental correlates. PLoS ONE, 9(2), e88635



Appropriateness of full-, partial- and no-dispersal scenarios in climate change impact modelling


Bateman, B. L., Murphy, H. T., Reside, A. E., Mokany, K., & VanDerWal, J. (2013). Appropriateness of full-, partial- and no-dispersal scenarios in climate change impact modelling. Diversity and Distributions, 19(10), 1224-1234 (Alt 5)



Focus on poleward shifts in species' distribution underestimates the fingerprint of climate change


VanDerWal, J., Murphy, H. T., Kutt, A. S., Perkins, G. C., Bateman, B. L., Perry, J. J., & Reside, A. E. (2013). Focus on poleward shifts in species' distribution underestimates the fingerprint of climate change. Nature Climate Change, 3(3), 239-243 (Alt 44; Top 5%)



Immigrants and refugees: the importance of dispersal in mediating biotic attrition under climate change


Anderson, A. S., Reside, A. E., VanDerWal, J. J., Shoo, L. P., Pearson, R. G., & Williams, S. E. (2012). Immigrants and refugees: the importance of dispersal in mediating biotic attrition under climate change. Global Change Biology, 18(7), 2126-2134



Breeding season of Epomophorus walhbergi in the lowveld of Swaziland


Monadjem, A., & Reside, A. E. (2012). Breeding season of Epomophorus walhbergi in the lowveld of Swaziland. African Zoology, 47(2), 321-325



Rapid decline and shift in the future distribution predicted for the endangered Sokoke Scops Owl Otus ireneae due to climate change


Monadjem, A., Virani, M. Z., Jackson, C., & Reside, A. E. (2012). Rapid decline and shift in the future distribution predicted for the endangered Sokoke Scops Owl Otus ireneae due to climate change. Bird Conservation International, 23, 247-258



Fire regime shifts affect bird species distributions


Reside, A. E., VanDerWal, J., Kutt, A., Watson, I., & Williams, S. (2012). Fire regime shifts affect bird species distributions. Diversity and Distributions, 18(3), 213-225



Projected changes in distributions of Australian tropical savanna birds under climate change using three dispersal scenarios


Reside, A. E., VanDerWal, J., & Kutt, A. S. (2012). Projected changes in distributions of Australian tropical savanna birds under climate change using three dispersal scenarios. Ecology and Evolution, 2(4), 705-718 (Alt 26; Top 5%)



Multiscale topoedaphic heterogeneity increases resilience and resistance of a dominant grassland species to extreme drought and climate change


Godfree, R., Lepschi, B., Reside, A., Bolger, T., Robertson, B., Marshall, D., & Carnegie, M. (2011). Multiscale topoedaphic heterogeneity increases resilience and resistance of a dominant grassland species to extreme drought and climate change. Global Change Biology, 17(2), 943-958



Incorporating low-resolution historic species location data decreases performance of distribution models


Reside, A. E., Watson, I., VanDerWal, J., & Kutt, A. S. (2011). Incorporating low-resolution historic species location data decreases performance of distribution models. Ecological Modelling, 222(18), 3444-3448




Uniting marine and terrestrial modelling of biodiversity under climate change


Mokany, K., Richardson, A. J., Poloczanska, E. S., Ferrier, S., & the CSIRO CAF Biodiversity Working Group (Elith, J., Reside, A., et al) (2010). Uniting marine and terrestrial modelling of biodiversity under climate change. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 25(10), 550-551



A recent inventory of the bats of Mozambique with documentation of seven new species for the country


Monadjem, A., Schoeman, M. C., Reside, A., Pio, D. V., Stoffberg, S., Bayliss, J., Cotterill, F. P. D. W., Curran, M., Kopp, M., & Taylor, P. J. (2010). A recent inventory of the bats of Mozambique with documentation of seven new species for the country. Acta Chiropterologica, 12(2), 371-391



Weather, not climate, defines distributions of vagile bird species


Reside, A. E., VanDerWal, J. J., Kutt, A. S., & Perkins, G. C. (2010). Weather, not climate, defines distributions of vagile bird species. PLoS ONE, 5(10), e13569 (Alt 11; Top 25%)



Roost selection and home range of an African insectivorous bat Nycteris thebaica (Chiroptera, Nycteridae)


Monadjem, A., Reside, A., Cornut, J., & Perrin, M. R. (2009). Roost selection and home range of an African insectivorous bat Nycteris thebaica (Chiroptera, Nycteridae). Mammalia, 73(4), 353-359



The influence of riparian vegetation on the distribution and abundance of bats in an African savanna


Monadjem, A., & Reside, A. (2008). The influence of riparian vegetation on the distribution and abundance of bats in an African savanna. Acta Chiropterologica, 10(2), 339-348



Echolocation calls of rhinolophid and hipposiderid bats in Swaziland


Monadjem, A., Reside, A., & Lumsden, L. (2007). Echolocation calls of rhinolophid and hipposiderid bats in Swaziland. South African Journal of Wildlife Research, 37(1), 9-15

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