Justine Rice
Honours student
My name is Justine, I currently work at Hidden Vale Wildlife Centre and am about to embark on my honours journey. The focus of my research will be to increase the likelihood of successful breed and release for threatened finch species by looking at habitat requirements.
I studied a Bachelor of Wildlife Science at the University of Queensland which I combined with courses from the Bachelor of Environmental Science. Not only did my love for our Australian wildlife increase, but I found a passion for wildlife-landscape interactions and how working to preserve habitat can aid in conservation efforts. I also have a passion for working with threatened species and have aligned my honours research to involve aspects of both landscape ecology and threatened species conservation.
My heart lies in the Australian outback in which I one day hope to work. In the meantime, I am enjoying every step in my workings towards a future in conservation research and dabbling in wildlife photography (Instagram @wildlike_).
Favourite animal: There are just so many! But I do have a huge soft spot for the sassy attitude of the Fat-tailed Dunnart
Controversial opinion: Coriander is delicious